Dec 16, 2013

Ahem. This blog is really not the most up to date thing on the Internet. Not much fun to report since last post, which is depressing. A few shows with really not much public attention and a few more paintings, all incredibly beautiful but also very much stored in the studio crap chamber.

New and notable: I'm now subject to the Government program for intimidating unemployed lowlifes, such as myself, to internalize the structural inefficiencies of our economy. The program is called Face 3, preceeded of course of Face 1 and 2, and is based on Dante's progression through the Inferno. Face 3 is the Final Solution,, but in lieu of concentration camps and gas, Sweden prefers boredom and plain stupidity. As so often, I'm recieving pay not to paint. Should i err on the painterly side, I, my kids and my local grocery store will suffer.

Feb 28, 2010

Today´s epiphany

My paintings are dysfunctional skeletons wrapped in the wrong flesh.

Dec 26, 2009

Merry etc

Some sparkle in my kid´s eyes when carpet bombed with expensive gifts, buckets of whisky and snaps, those are the things that make this time of the year bearable. The food is not among those.

One more day of Ye Traditional Swedish Yulefood and this blogger will be no more.  A pig´s carcass sliced and minced in all traditional fashions looses it´s novelty value in about ten minutes, but will stalk you all through the Swedish festive season.

The birth of a Jew, celebrated with buckets of pig flesh. That´ll teach´em.

Dec 16, 2009

Ljungsbro 2

Guess I should display a couple of images that actually still have some connection to the theme.

Dec 15, 2009

The Ljungsbro Project

I´m embellishing a gym in the Linköping suburb Ljungsbro with ten smallish paintings, 30x30 cm. Today I submitted them for framing, thus making the shitty pay even shittier (framing gobbling down 5000 SEK from the petty pay).

I started out with an idea that the images should portray Relaxation (it´s a gym, right?), but under way I failed miserably, as always. Check these paintings out, can you spot the "Relax" in them? Will soon post paintings more in line with the theme.

Apr 29, 2009


April 29:th

Today I cleaned up the studio. Might not sound lika such a big deal, but people who know me are launching fireworks and declaring this date a national holiday.

Apr 28, 2009

OK, this isn´t the fastest blog in Internet history. Last posting was about me worrying about the January show in Linköping. That one´s done and bubble wrapped, almost ten people attended the opening and it was, of course, a huge success.

***please, somebody, kill me***

Normally, this blog should have at least fifty posts, with me ranting endlessly in agony about the second show, the Biggie in Umeå.

Museum hall, the size of a Zeppelin hangar and situated in what still counts as my home town. The prodigal son returning, masses of people chanting my name, stunning girls adorning me with garlands, you know the drill. Oh my, to measure up to that. Mene Mene Tekel. Anyway, the show opened this Sunday, but it was a rather solemn affair, no art hooligans, no mass hysteria. The army could stay in their barracks and Umeå is still standing.

***please, please***